

Video: India After Demonetization

Video: India After Demonetization

14 Feb 2017
Udith discusses the effects of India's demonetization last year on the growth of the economy
Video: Making Sense Of US Trade Tax Plans

Video: Making Sense Of US Trade Tax Plans

27 Jan 2017
Yesterday Donald Trump met members of Congress to discuss a 20% tax on imports into the US. However, what is being proposed is not an outright tariff, but rather a system of “border tax adjustments”. Will explains what these are, how they will work, and what effect they will have on the US dollar and the real economy.
Video: A Coming US-China Trade War?

Video: A Coming US-China Trade War?

18 Jan 2017
In this video interview Arthur explains how a US-China trade war may play out and the implication for capital outflows from China
Video: The Dissonance In US-China Relations

Video: The Dissonance In US-China Relations

17 Jan 2017
Once Donald Trump occupies the White House he is sure to take aim at China in the form of new tariffs, anti-dumping actions and the labeling of the country as a currency manipulator. What is unclear is whether such actions reflect a tough negotiating stance, or instead a fundamental shift in the strategic equation. In this video interview, Arthur explains why the mixed messages coming out of Washington have the potential to spark a dangerous conflagration.
Video: European Political Dominos

Video: European Political Dominos

23 Nov 2016
In the aftermath of the Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s win in the US presidential election, attention has shifted to the eurozone with the assumption that more dominos must topple under the gathering populist political wave. In this video interview Nick considers the good, the bad and the ugly of the European political scene and offers pointers for navigating these risks.
Arthur Kroeber: A New Era Of Sino-US Relations

Arthur Kroeber: A New Era Of Sino-US Relations

16 Nov 2016
While Donald Trump has threatened to slap huge tariffs on Chinese exports, Arthur thinks this would be an act of self-harm given the economic co-dependence between China and the US. In this video interview, he maps out the likely evolution of relations between the two countries in the years ahead.
Arthur Kroeber: What A Trump Presidency Means

Arthur Kroeber: What A Trump Presidency Means

11 Nov 2016
This is an excerpt from Arthur Kroeber's presentation at Gavekal's Hong Kong seminar on November 10. In this video Arthur presents his initial thoughts on the changes in the political situation in the US, and what it means for the rest of the world.
Joyce Poon: Market Timing In Asia

Joyce Poon: Market Timing In Asia

7 Nov 2016
Investors need to get nimbler in playing Emerging Asia’s equity markets due to the lack of any clear trend that dates back to 2010. Joyce outlines a trading strategy that can potentially make a big difference to performance.
Neil Newman: Japanese Equities — Good For A Rally?

Neil Newman: Japanese Equities — Good For A Rally?

4 Nov 2016
The Bank of Japan has rolled back the date that it expects to hit its 2% inflation target, the economy is soft and foreign investors have thoroughly given up on Japanese equities. So why does Neil think there is a good chance of a decent “Santa rally” going into the year end. In this video interview he explains.
Will Denyer: Assessing US Recession Risk

Will Denyer: Assessing US Recession Risk

3 Nov 2016
Despite recent headline data releases being mildly encouraging, Will is worried that the US economy is limping toward recession territory. In this video interview he discusses his framework for assessing the US economy and proposes investment strategies to deal with what he sees as the two most likely scenarios; namely, an outright contraction or a mild growth pick-up associated with rising inflation.


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